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Hui Scholarship Application
Marital Status:
Are you currently a Hui O Hawaii member?
Are your family members currently Hui members?
Have you received past Educational Assistance from the Hui?

Note: A recipient shall not receive more than 4 years of Hui educational assistance.

The purpose of the Hui O Hawaii of San Diego is:

  • ​To preserve the cultural heritage of Hawaii.

  • To create and foster a spirit of Aloha between family, friends, and people of Hawaii.

  • To take an active interest in the civic, social, and moral welfare of the community.

  • To unite the membership in bonds of friendship, good fellowship, and mutual understanding.

Please list your work experience:

Please list your extra-curricular activities, honors, and community service (unpaid)

Personal Essay Submission:

Your personal essay submission should be a WORD document, and must be no more than 500 words, approximately 2200 characters.  First, you must select the essay you will be responding to below (pick only one). You will then attach/upload your WORD document to this application along with the other required documents. 

Essay topic (You must select only one)


It is my understanding that if, for any reason, I do not enroll in the institution or complete the course of studies indicated on this application form, the financial assistance monies must be returned within 120 days thereafter.  I understand that if selected, I must send a copy of my official transcript or grade report to the Hui O Hawaii of San Diego Educational Assistance Program Chairperson, no later than 45 days from the end or the term or semester.

Upload File/File Type: Word Doc only
Upload both as one doc: PDF only
Upload File/File Type: PDF only
Upload File/File Type: PDF only

Thank you for submitting your application! You may now click out of this page if desired. We will reach out to you soon.

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